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Miami Daily Traffic (2023)

A grade schooler, grandma, and a Balsero try the Miami ride-sharing app called "Hoist" to go to Miami Beach and find out the true meaning of what Miami Daily Traffic is in this action packed trip.

Link to the full storyboards here:
Avast (2022)

A group of aquatic misfits goes around causing havoc in Savannah stealing ice cream from Leopolds in their giant bottle ship!

A bumper for the Savannah Spring Showcase that was done in 10 weeks. The music was composed by Chris London.

Link to the full storyboards here:
Fresh Force (2021)

After a mad lollipop king buys out farms and turns them into candy factories the radioactive waste turns vegetables into sentient beings and take revenge in order to put a stop to the Kandy King's rage.

A 10 week short film project that I took part of. I was in charge of most of the storyboards and also editing the animatic. Other storyboards were provided by Carter Martin and the music was composed by Chris London.

Link to the full storyboards here:

All Rights Reserved © 2023 Peter Bonilla. 

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